研究 & 奖学金支持计划


The Office of 研究 and Scholarship (ORS) has a strong commitment to helping new, early stage and established investigators successfully compete for research funding and to helping all faculty achieve scholarly success. The program is designed to provide a rapid response to investigators’ needs for projects that have a high potential for success if given the right pilot data. It is also designed to support the development and dissemination of scholarly products. 参加这个项目会带来实质性的好处.


  • Funding for pilot data critical for grant submission, resubmissions and publications
  • 高级研究人员/学者的资助和奖学金指导
  • 资助建立新的研究和学术方向
  • 审查CHS PI研究会议的目标、页面和拨款提案
  • 拨款以发出拨款建议,以便及早进行外部评审


Full-time 健康科学学院 faculty in all title series are eligible to participate in this program, 无论职业阶段如何. 教师必须积极参与研究 & 在申请项目资金之前申请奖学金支持项目.



  1. 每月研究会议
  2. 试点研究项目资助
  3. 奖学金项目资助
  4. 博士后研究经费
  5. 资助本科生进行研究


The ORS will share updates from College Grants Officer on new regulatory requirements from OSPA. 我们将根据需要向教师更新ORS的其他方面. The meeting will also serve to provide a forum to get collective early feedback on aims pages and projects to help the investigator be more competitive for funding.  All investigators are expected to read the material in advance and show up with constructive feedback. 每月的日程将由将要提交的奖助金来决定, 谁目前正在接受ORS的资助, 优先考虑早期调查人员.


在资金允许的情况下,以滚动方式满足请求. Please provide the following information in Microsoft Word document to Brian Noehren (b.noehren@bobbyingano.com)和贝琪·诺斯鲁普(贝琪.northrup@bobbyingano.com):

  1. 项目标题
  2. 项目摘要(500字以内)
  3. 简要说明试点资金将如何加强未来的建议?
  4. 简要的未来提案提交计划.
  5. 预算 & 预算的理由

Preference will be given to projects that 1) can be completed in the near term providing crucial pilot data for first submissions or are in response to reviewers’ comments that, 如果解决, 会增加融资的可能性吗, 2)获得IRB或IACUC的批准, 3)使多人受益, 4)被用于一年内的拨款申请. 将特别考虑终身教职前的教员. All requests go through an administrative review by the ORS personnel to ensure compliance with program principles and are reviewed by the ADR for final funding decisions. The expectation is to make funding decisions quickly to enable the PI to get started.


  • 与部门主席会面,讨论试点项目
  • Meet with the ADR to discuss funding needs prior to submitting a funding application. 在可能的情况下, PI应显示他们将如何利用现有的资金来源, 包括启动, F & A回报,并为部门资源项目做出贡献
  • 参加并参加上述每月的研究会议
  • ORS funds will be directly used to facilitate the submission of grant application(s)
  • 当由ORS资助时,研究者必须在CHS研究研讨会上展示研究结果
  • Established investigators help mentor pre-tenure regular title or research title faculty
  • 向ORS提交总结报表
  • 适当地向ORS提交申请拨款的文件
  • 按时完成所有补助金(包括内部和外部)的关闭程序
  • Recognize and report all publications and abstracts that come out of funding from ORS
  • 立即将所有未使用的资金归还给ORS
  • 报告教师绩效评估的进展情况
  • 在12个月内使用资金
  • 早期调查人员的额外要求:
  • 与ADR一起参加会议,审查发展和提交赠款的进展情况
  • 定期与学院研究导师会面


我们也寻求帮助支持我们的非资助寻求教师与他们的奖学金. 助学金可能以滚动方式提交. Preference will be given to projects that will result in more than one publishable unit and projects benefiting more than one faculty member. 在资金允许的情况下,以滚动方式满足请求. To apply, please provide the following information in Microsoft Word document to Brian Noehren (b.noehren@bobbyingano.com)和贝琪·诺斯鲁普(贝琪.northrup@bobbyingano.com ):

  1. 项目标题
  2. 项目摘要(500字以内)
  3. 简要说明你计划如何传播你的学术工作.
  4. 预算 & 预算的理由


  • 与系主任会面讨论奖学金项目
  • Meet with the ADR to discuss funding needs prior to submitting a funding application
  • 当由ORS资助时,在研究研讨会上介绍研究结果
  • 按时完成所有补助金(包括内部和外部)的关闭程序
  • Recognize and report all publications and abstracts that come out of funding from ORS
  • 立即将所有未使用的资金归还给ORS
  • 报告教师绩效评估的进展情况
  • 在12个月内使用资金


One $4000 grant can be awarded to each post-doctoral scholar/fellow while they are a post-doctoral scholar/fellow within CHS.  Strong preference will be given to grants used to generate data for F32 grant submission or similar type of grants from relevant foundations. Proposed projects will undergo the same administrative review described in the pilot funds request. 要符合资格, post-docs must not have received CHS pilot funding from another opportunity within 12 months. To apply, please provide the following information in Microsoft Word document to Brian Noehren (b.noehren@bobbyingano.com)和贝琪·诺斯鲁普(贝琪.northrup@bobbyingano.com ):

  1. 项目标题
  2. 项目摘要(500字以内)
  3. 简要说明试点资金将如何加强未来的建议?
  4. 简要的未来提案提交计划.
  5. 预算 & 预算的理由


  • 导师从4000美元奖金中拿出1000美元
  • 导师在赠款上签字
  • 当由ORS资助时,在研究研讨会上介绍研究结果
  • 按时完成所有补助金(包括内部和外部)的关闭程序
  • Recognize and report all publications and abstracts that come out of funding from ORS
  • 立即将所有未使用的资金归还给ORS
  • 在12个月内使用资金


CHS本科研究计划(CHS UGR), 与ORS合作, is launching an incentive program for faculty to specifically encourage the creation of new research opportunities for undergraduate students. The incentive program will issue microgrants of up to $300 to support faculty working with undergraduate students in a newly approved and posted research opportunity. 资金可以用于供应, 或与学生的研究工作和努力直接相关的任何其他费用. 资金不能用于学生旅行, 会议费用, 出版费用, or poster printing because there are other funds available through the CHS UGR office for these expenses.


第一个, 要符合资格, 申请人必须创建并发布到CHS UGR网站, 一个批准的本科生研究机会. 其次, research opportunities must be “new” for a given semester 要符合资格 for the incentive since the point of the program is to create more opportunities for our students than currently exist. 目前开放的研究机会不符合奖励计划的条件. 研究 opportunities that were “closed” or “full” during a previous semester and are now being re-opened to student involvement are eligible for the incentive. 第三, applicants must have a student researcher who has interviewed for and agreed to participate in the new or re-opened research opportunity at the time of the microgrant application. 第四, the applicant must be a full-time CHS faculty member who is either pre-tenure from all title series or post-tenure in special/clinical titles.

To apply, please provide the following information in Microsoft Word document to Brian Noehren (b.noehren@bobbyingano.com)和里奇·安德烈亚塔(贝琪.northrup@bobbyingano.com ):

  • Title of your new research opportunity approved and posted to the CHS UGR Current Opportunities website
  • 学生的姓名和身份证件,资金将用于支持工作
  • 申请小额奖助金金额(最高300美元)
  • Brief description and detail on what the funds will be used for in direct support of the student’s work.


  • Microgrant funding will be provided on a rolling basis until the yearly allotment for this initiative is exhausted.
  • 资金必须在被授予的学期内使用,不能展期.
  • Applicants awarded a microgrant agree to provide a brief summary report (1 paragraph) at the end of the semester on how the funds were used and their benefit to the student.
  • 申请人每学期的最高资助总额为300美元.
  • 每一个小额奖助金申请都需要一个新的申请.

研究 & 奖学金支持计划合规性

Recipients of program funding who fail to follow program expectations will forfeit the opportunity to receive additional monies until in compliance with the program. 如果博士后学者/研究员不符合要求, his or her mentor will also forfeit the opportunity to receive additional program funding until the post-doc returns to full compliance.


  • 教职工工资
  • 会议旅游
  • 专业的会员
  • 通用计算设备
  • 食品和饮料
  • 演讲者费用和/或旅费